Selasa, 26 April 2016



You and me, we made a vow
For better or for worse
I can't believe you let me down
But the proof's in the way it hurts

For months on end I've had my doubts
Denying every tear
I wish this would be over now
But I know that I still need you here

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

You've been so unavailable
Now sadly I know why
Your heart is unobtainable
Even though Lord knows you kept mine

You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

I have loved you for many years
Maybe I am just not enough
You've made me realize my deepest fear
By lying and tearing us up

[Chorus x2:]
You say I'm crazy
'Cause you don't think I know what you've done
But when you call me baby
I know I'm not the only one

I know I'm not the only one
I know I'm not the only one
And I know
And I know
And I know
And I know
And I know
And I know, no
I know I'm not the only one

  • Meaning / Messages : This song talk about infidelity. In the music video this song tell about wife who cheated by his husband . They may before lived peacefully without any significant contention,but when she know his husband cheated her she not believed thatit was real. She always kept thing that her husband not cheated her but she know that her husband was cheating with another girl and that was real. But she still look strong and as usual she still smile and still welcomed her husband . She always try to ask her husband but she always think that her husband will not tell the truth. She try too end this family,but she know that she can’t do that. When her husband work,she always cry and she like crazy and disappointed because her husband was cheated.
  • Writer : Sam Smith , James Napier
  • Singer : Sam Smith
  • Album: In The Only Hour
  • Yourself : I think this song make me felt so sad and how Sam Smith sing this song make the song more felt sad. And this song show what someone feel if they was cheated by their spouse , and that was very hurt and make us disappointed to our spouse.
  • Moral Lesson/ Value : We not may to cheated our spouse . Still keep our promises to loyal with our spouse . And make our spouse always happy and keep our relationship always good.
  • Source :
  • Video:

Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

Dewa Athena

Hai, my name is Hanni Masnauli. I want to tell you about a sport competition that held in SMAN 3 Bandung. It’s called Dewa Athena.

Dewa Athena is a school activities that held every year. Then in 2016 that is my first time to participate in Dewa Athena. Dewa Athena is held by committee and OSIS .

This year Dewa Athena held in Thursday till Saturday ( 10 March 2016 – 12 March 2016). And that was so many games in Dewa Athena, example:
Futsal ( Men )
Futsal ( Women )
Gobak Sodor
Dodgeball ( Men )
Dodgeball ( Women )
Tarik Tambang
Badminton ( Men )
Badminton ( Women )

     Every class must attended all contest,if not attended that class must pay Rp 100.000 , because of that every class follow all the contest.

·         Day 1
Today is Thursday. And we must at Lapangan Bali at 06.30 because absent and that will be held opening of this event. When I arrived at lapangan bali that was so many student from X and XI. And then I met my friends and we go to the basketball field for attended the opening. After that the first even is every class must marathon, and that was make me so tired so I decided to just walking till back to school.
After that the competition was begin  and all class have they sequences so all play with their competition.
My class is X IPA 8 and this is the schedule competition on the first day :
1.       Gobak Sodor  : 08.25 – 08.45
2.       Badminton ( Women ) : 08.50 – 09.10
3.       Estafet  : 09.40 – 09.45
4.       Tarik Tambang  : 10.45 – 11.55
5.       Badminton ( Men ) : 11.45 – 12.05
6.       Futsal ( Women ) : 11.45 – 12.05
7.       Futsal ( Men ) : 14.15 – 14.35
8.       Dodgeball ( Women ) : 14.40 – 15.00
And then I go back home at 12.00 because I feel bad and decided to go home earlier.

·         Day 2
Today is Friday. Today student that attended is less so it look more quiet. But today is next step for my class to go to Semi Final. I’m so happy and spirited . Today my class not play all the competition because yesterday my class lost in Estafet and Futsal ( Men ). But it’s okay I till spirit and positive thinking.
Today that was volley competition and that was so amazing games and that so strain . My friends shout very loudly to make my friends spirit. And the result is… My class come to be winner but this is the first games not Final so we must more fight for win in the first place.
Today I go back home at 13.00 because I feel so tired.

·         Day 3
Today is Saturday. And today is the last day of Dewa Athena. Today is so make me strain because today is Semi Final . We try the best. But that was so many games that my class not going to final but, Badminton ( Men ) was lost , It’s okay because Badminton ( Women ) is going to final yeay…
Today I go back home lately that yesterday because I watched my friends play games in semi final.

Dewa Athena was not stop at 12 March that will be Final in April so my friends practice for Final and I hope my class can get the first place.

Okay this my story I hope all the readers can happy because my story.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016


Hi,my name is Hanni Masnauli and now I want to tell you all about education .

Education is very  important things in our life. Education is not about a tradition . But, education is one of our needs, needs to survive in life, to make we can do the societies, and for living the life. And then, education is not only a need, but it what humans needs because we humans need life with another people so we must study. 

Teacher is busy on speaking, explaining the subjects or task without interruption. Students sit on their chairs, watching teachers explain the subjects in front of the classes, and just listening teacher, and keeping that action and write what the teacher write in board and i think that's so boring and system like that absolutely not good for students because student can not explore they mind. But that is what they call as a study I think Indonesia do this type education too.

Study is not about know the subjects . But , studying is a process of learning and understanding the meaning. An education must provide a chance for students to explore anything from a subject. Student has to be more active. Learning something and doing more things. Teacher must be a partner and facilitator of finding and understanding the knowledge. If students and teacher can get good deal so that is ideal education.The government must give facility for school example like in Indonesia,school in Indonesia have bad facility in school sothat's so manny child in Indonesia not school and not get knowledge .Step for ideal education:

Know  is Student should understand about the subjects abd something. Teacher should be more active and this is can develop students mind to knowing something. 

Do  After students can knowing about something they must be can do what they knowing in their life. Students must be more active so they can  ask and  many things on exercises. Students are must be can to apply their knowing and understanding of something, and they know the practice in real life it can be make students more active. Exercises, practicing, and doing some tasks are the point of this step. Students are prepared with some skills to solve the problems in real life.

Something is teaching student to be a human that have benefit for another people . Students are teach about the values of life and students know why they need education . Students are teach to find the meaning of their life, the benefit of their self, and the future that they want to be example like in the future they want to be doctor , soldier , and etc. Students are being prepared to be someone better, better for their life and others.

Live with another people or socialization  students to be someone in their lifesociety. Students are teach about the rules in life or in country and the benefit of living together. Sudents must be can to find their own meaning about living together, respect another people, and living in interdependence. Because humans is social creature so students must be life with another people not just study about lesson in book but they can do social things and because in work we not just smart but we must can talk active and do social things. Students are prepared to be someone useful for others with their knowledge and skills. Students are prepared to be someone who can combine among mind and heart.

Education in Indonesia  has worst education system. Because the system does not work as the planning and as well as it should. Education in Indonesia is compulsory under Government Regulations . Indonesia have level education that is :

Primary Education we have 6 years in primary school . The primary education after optional pre-school playgroups. This level education is in are government controlled.

Middle Education Junior high school is between primary education and senior high school or secondary education that may follow. It also educators to determine a possible future direction for their students.

Secondary Education This level is level before we go to colleges so we must be focus to study if we want to get university like we want.

Vocational Education Vocational training is mainly provided by private training colleges. Unfortunately this continues to occur mainly in the cities.

Ten countries with the best system education in the world (2015/2016) that is South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Finland, UK, Canada, Netherlands, Ireland, Poland

Rabu, 20 Januari 2016

My Last Holiday

Holiday in Trans Studio Bandung

Hi there, I’m Hanni Masnauli and know I want to tell you all about my last holiday . My last holiday when new year, I went to Trans Studio Bandung with all of my family. I went to Trans Studio Bandung my taxi because we know that the road was so crowded so we decided went to Trans Studio Bandung by Taxi. 

            I went to Trans Studio Bandung on 30 December 2015. When I arrived at Tranns Studio Bandung I’m very happy because I can played all games. First I bought ticket, I bought VIP ticket because I can played all games with easy and no to long for wait. First I took many photos there and I’m so happy because I can went to Trans Studio Bandung and played all of games. And unfortunely that was very crowded because I know this is holiday time. And then the first game I played was Giant Swing , woww that’s game so awesome I’m so scaried because I felt like fly. After that I played in Dunia Lain , I’m so afraid at there so many creepy photos make me feel bad and afraid. In Dunia Lain I always close my eyes so I didn’t  know Dunia Lain look like.

            After played in Dunia Lain , I choose to played roller coaster, wowwww that was so inhcredible I felt like fly and that’s make me so scaried . My mom felt so dizzy so we decided to break in restaurant,maybe that because we not have lunch first . So my mother decided to not played another games again . I and my sister choose to played Vertigo and that is the best games because woww that was very make me dizzy and I didn’t know what I’m look like after played that’s games. And then I played Dunia Raksasa games , first I’m not sure to played that games but I think I must played that’s games because I know if I’m not played all games I will dissapointed. When I want to played Dunia Raksasa games that was someone says to me “Look,VIP accsess very easily and they not waiting for long time “ she said that with bad looking . So, I’m not tell anything because this is the facilities if we bought VIP tickets. Wow this games make me felt fly again its like we drop from the sky to the earth very fast and that was very amazing. After that I felt so dizzy and I think I must go home now because I felt so tired and I’;m very need to rest . Before we went home , we went to Trans Studio Mall at there I and my family dinner in one of restaurant at Trans Studio Mall. After that we decided to went home because we know that the road was very very crowded and we must go 
home quickly. Before that I’m decided to Toilet and then I met my old friend from Cirebon . 

After that I went to home and we arrived at home at 08.00 p.m. After that I take a bath and the I decided to go to sleep quickly because I felt so dizzy and felt bad and exactly I’m so tired . I didn’t know what happen to me but in my dreams I played again all of games at Trans Studio Bandung and that’s make me felt bad when I woke up I felt very dizzy and tired OMG this is very bad to me. 

            And this is very the best holiday in my life because I can holiday with all of my family. Ok this is all about my holiday I hope you all happy to read story of my last holiday in December 2015. Byeee see yaaa.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015



The Characters:
Farhan Fauzan as the poor kid (Main Character)
Felita Almira as the narator
Adisya Salsabila as Farhan’s Friend
Daffa Atalla as Farhan’s Friend
M. Ardian as The math teacher
Hanni Masnauli as The Concelling teacher
Salsabila Shofa as Farhan’s mother
Alif Miftah as Farhan’s father

Mathematics lesson in 3 Senior High Bandung is very difficult. And when the teacher teaches,Farhan feel bored and sleepy.Time by time, he doesn’t realize anything.

Math Teacher: Hey, wake up! So do you think this is your bedroom? I am explaining this lesson to you so you can do well when I held a test. Why are you sleeping?

Farhan: I’m sorry, Sir. I was so sleepy. I didn’t get enough sleep last night.

Math Teacher: That’s your problem, not mine. Now, wake up! We’re having a test today.

Farhan: Pardon? A test?

Math Teacher: Indeed.

    Farhan was panic. He didn’t study anymore. He hopes that his friends will help him to do a test. Because, everyone know that his friends is very clever.

Farhan: Disya, would you like to help me?

Disya: Help for?

Farhan: For the test! I wasn’t ready for the test. I didn’t listen when Mr.Ardi teaches. And I didn’t study yet.

Disya: Well, that’s your problem, Farhan. I won’t help you at this case.

And then, Farhan resigned. The last chance in his mind is cheating. He doesn’t want to has a bad score. Its to many bad score, so he doesn’t want it become worse.

Farhan: (looking at Adisya’s workpapper)

Atalla: (saw Farhan cheating)

Atalla : (stands up) Hey Farhan, what are you doing? Are you cheating? Mr.Ardi, he’s cheating.

Farhan : (panic) No, Sir. I didn’t cheat.

Math Teacher: He’s right. I saw you cheating.

(The Math Teacher tearing Farhan’s workpapper and taking Farhan’s motorcycle key)

Atalla : Farhan! I will report you to concellings teacher because you’re trying tp cheating to Adisya.

Adisya : Yes, I will do it too Farhan!!

Farhan : Oh, I’m sorry because I have been trying to cheating you, Adisya. I did it because I fell asleep last night so, I didn’t studying.

(And then, Atalla and Adisya going to the concellings room and report it to the teacher)

Atalla : Excuse me, miss. We want to tell you that there was a slick incident in our class today. Farhan was cheating to Adisya when the math test hold.

Adisya : Yes miss, he is true. He should be punished!

Concelling teacher : Ok, I want to talk with him now. Please call him to come here.

(Farhan is coming)

Concelling teacher : Farhan, are they true that you are cheating?

Farhan : Yes miss. I admit that I’m wrong.

Concelling teacher : To be honest, I feel disappointed to you. Mostly in every subject you’re not passed the minimum score. You’ll be threatened to take a short semester. Because it, I will call your parents to come here, OK?

(In a few moment, Farhan’s parents are coming)

Farhan’s mother: What happen miss until we were called to coming here?

Farhan’s father: Yes, what happen with my son?

Concelling teacher: So, your son is mostly in every lesson should take a short semester and today he was trying to cheat a math exam to his friends. Farhan should changes his bad habit to be diligent.

Farhan’s mother: Oh my God! Ok miss, I will reprove my son.

Farhan: I’m sorry mom, dad. I will study diligently from now. (crying)

Farhan’s father: Yes mom. He is promised. So, don’t be angry with him. (sad)

(And then, their parents go back)

(The bell is ringing. Farhan is going to ther parking lot)

Farhan: Ah, what  a bad day today. By the way, where is my motorcycle? (confused)

(At the moment, Farhan hears his motorcycle sound)

Math Teacher: This is the consequence for you! You will receive a short semester from me, Farhan!

(Mr. Ardi left him lonely and took Farhan’s motorcycle)

Farhan: Oh God, there’s to many problem you give to me today. 

(And then, Farhan decided for walking to go home with a sad face)

            When he arrive home…

Farhan: Mom, dad, I’m sorry. My motorcycle was brought by Mr.Ardi because I was cheating this morning.

Farhan’s mother: Oh Farhan, you make this family shy!

Farhan’s father: Stop mom! How pity he is!

(His mom still angry but his dad still trying to calming down)

(after that farhan back to his bedroom and brood)

Farhan : Why? What happen today? This is very long day. About the test, short semester , called into BK teacher room, I had many enemies, my motorcycle stolen. All of this enough for me. (I can’t hold it anymore)

   Because Farhan always bad condition. He want to Died. He called his best friends but his bestfriends reject his call.

Farhan : (stand up above chair suicided with hang himself) Mom,Dad,my bestfriends,my teachers bye. See you again in another place…

(the classroom atmosphere very noisy, Mr.Ardi still teach mathematics)

Farhan : (Wake up) Oh My God, Where am I? This the place after died? What happen here? It’s  seems like my world before.

Pak Ardi : Hey you wake up now!

Farhan : Yes sure Mr.Ardi I’m sorry. 
(OMG, so is just dream? I’m still alive ? Why the dream feel so real ?)

Pak Ardi : Ok students,ready for the test ok!

Students : OMG Mr.Ardi we are not ready for the test.

Farhan : (Stand up) Hey guys,we should ready and don’t cheating alright. This test can give us passion for more study hard if we get bad score.

Pak Ardi : (Smile)
  And then the test still begin and the result Farhan get score 64This is not good score but he is very happy because he get the score honestly.

Adisya : Wow Farhan.You’re amazing. BTW, Who teach you to speak like that?

Farhan : I get all from my dream,special dream…

(They go away from the scene)


Selasa, 17 November 2015

Holiday In Kampung Gajah

Kampung Gajah ...
   Kampung Gajah Wonderland is a favorite place in Bandung, which has become a family favorite who lives in Jakarta, Bandung, and surrounding areas. Hearing the name of Kampung Gajah, you might think that this place is a protected area filled with elephants and the elephant smart as to entertain visitors. If you think that, you are wrong. What is Kampung Gajah?

   Kampung Gajah Wonderland is located in the north of the city of Bandung is an integrated tourism area which is suitable for children and adults. In keeping with the theme of "Travel, Shopping, and Culinary" Kampung Gajah in Bandung available various types of games are fun, some form of factory outlet shopping, up to 4 types of restaurants that tempt lovers of culinary tourism. Although named Kampung Gajah, this region has no elephants at all.

   Address :
   Jalan Sersan Bajuri KM 3,8 Lembang - Bandung, Jawa Barat
   Phone :
   022-8888 4011 atau 022-8888 4012
   Opening hours :
   Weekdays : 09:00 - 19:00 WIB , Weekend & Public Holiday : 08:00 - 20:00 WIB

Kampung Gajah have a lot of games that are suitable for children up to the elderly, among them:

  Side car
  Horse riding
  Sky rider (similar like flying fox)
  Formula kart
  4D rider
  Sky view
  Face painting


For children, Kampung Gajah offers a playground and Home Sponge Bob Square Pants. There was also some rides that can be enjoyed by children aged 2 years and above but must be accompanied by their parents like Futuristic Train, Mini Flying Fox, Bumper Boat, Delman, Pedicab Mini, Tubby Slide and swim at Kiddy Pool in Kampung Gajah Water park.

Water Boom  Kampung Gajah :
   Kiddy Pool
   Sepeda Air
   Big Tornado
   Grass Skating
   Moto Golf
  Aqua Boat

   Well, last year I went to Kampung Gajah with my family. We went there by car. We took along time to reach Kampung Gajah. It was about 2 hours because the road very crowded. I arrived in Kampung Gajah at 10.00.It was so wonderful in Kampung Gajah.There was so many foreign tourists and domestic tourists.

   The first thing that I do is riding a horse. It was nice to ride horse when the air was fresh and comfortable . And then,I drove mini car and that was so funny and nice.My favorite game in Kampung Gajah is Sky Rider.Sky Rider similar like flying fox .

   We had lunch at one of restaurant or café in Kampung Gajah and that was my new favorite restaurant. The food was delicious and I loved it very much. At there I bought many thing liked clothes,  t – shirts, shoes,etc. I’m so happy at Kampung Gajah and  my family too.The last agenda tours was shopping souvenirs.

   After played almost all games in Kampung Gajah I went back to home. I took 2 hours to reach my home.

   It was a wonderful holiday because  I went to Kampung Gajah with all of my family. There were still many games which could relieve our stress after hard working everyday . All of the foods were delicious. The price was also reasonable. The atmosphere was so romantic and peacefull . I thought that I wanted to go back here to played all games with my family and my friends.